LEITHS Certified!

Congratulations are in order… for me!

From June – December in 2021, I participated in the LEITHS Essential Skills of Professional Cooking online course. This is a 24 week course thoughtfully designed for people who love to cook, who want to learn more about techniques, and those who want to try new recipes to draw upon the skills they already have. The course sets you up in a small (8 people) cohort with an experienced chef mentor who guides and dialogues with you as you meander through the extensive range of recipes and technical challenges. I loved every minute of this course. The online videos were informative and involved step-by-step tutoring and demonstrations to bring cooking and baking to a new and more assured level to my practices in the kitchen.

When the 24 weeks are completed, LEITHS can offer an opportunity to sit the practical 2-day exam in their professional kitchens in London, UK. I was all set to take up this offer in June of 2022 and wouldn’t you know it, I got Covid the week before my exam! With no sense of taste or smell, there’s no way I could successfully sit this exam. I ended up postponing for a year and had the pleasure of participating in the exam in June of 2023.

This experience is a highlight of my culinary career. I truly loved every minute of the course, was impressed by the high level of professionalism delivered by the experienced collection of chefs, and felt fully supported over the course of my weekend practical exam. If you are a home cook that dabbles, or someone who has experience in a home or restaurant kitchen I highly recommend this and any course at LEITHS. You’ll be well taken care of. Thanks, LEITHS!

LEITHS professional cookery school, in London.

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