Nose-dive Avocado Coconut Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (vegan)

I’ve had three avocados hanging out in the fridge, just waiting to grace a recipe with their presence. I came upon the perfect solution from Pinch of Yum that uses avocados, and coconut milk in an ice-cream recipe, so it’s the perfect solution. (Unfortunately, I can’t yet see a link on their website, so I’ll copy the recipe from Instagram).

As some of you know, I had surgery a month ago to relieve my ring finger, “trigger finger” on my left hand. As most of you do not know, I took a rather messy spill this past weekend when I was out for a morning run. Apparently, my eyes mistook the pavement for a body of water and thought it would be good to reel into a perfect dive, sans H-2-O! The result:  pizza knee, pizza elbow, pizza palms! And my nose, as Maxwell Smart would have said: “I missed it by this much!” Oh, woe is me…I know, I know…. But when the surgery’d hand can’t grip things, and the newly injured hand resembles tartare, I had to seek out the help of a friend to get me through weekend prepping in the kitchen.

Now two days later, a recipe that I can manage with the help of my Vitamix, is this vegan ice cream. Squidging in the avos and the easy-to-open can of coconut milk made for a fairly effortless prep. Drizzling the maple syrup, and peppermint extract, and tipping in the chocolate chips, was easy! I used the required amount of peppermint extract, and added about 10 good-sized fresh mint leaves because I had them on hand.

The ice cream is setting up as I hunt and peck the text for this recipe. I’ll post a pic when it’s ready to devour. Having had a taste from the spatula, it promises to be a refreshing good-and-good-for-you taste of summer sweetness!

Ingredients for the ice cream:

  • 1 can coconut milk
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1/2 tsp mint extract
  • 1/3 cup chocolate chips
  • 10 fresh mint leaves

Pour the contents of the can of coconut milk into the blender and whiz around on medium power for about 30 seconds. Add the avocado, maple syrup, peppermint extract, and mint leaves and whiz around for another 2 minutes on high, until smooth. Tip in the chocolate chips and pulse a couple of times to break them down a bit. Pour the contents into a vessel that takes to freezing; I used a glass dish about the size of a loaf pan. Freeze for about 2-1/2 hours, and serve. A wee drizzle of melted dark chocolate would be most welcome!

And here is the finished product! I made a quick drizzle by melting 2 tablespoons of 72% chocolate chips with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Quick drizzle, Bob’s your uncle, and away you go! On a side note… this took a good 3,5 hours to set to a state where I could scoop it into a solid ball. No matter the form, it’s really good. I can see adding toasted pistachios to this, next time ’round….

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